Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Blog #4: Mini Art School #2

Design Basic Index: Shape Workshop (pg.131): 25 different shapes and forms

White Space − Chapter 7 Try This activity #3; Design a type-only logo for yourself. Use your logo as the basis for a new resume design

^^^^^^ Click for my reflection of this activity.


  1. This post was so much fun! First of all, your visuals jumped right out at me and made me want to learn more about your activities. Second, the use of audio to walk us through the process of using the new drawing tool was so helpful!

    As a viewer of your post, I actually felt an interesting transformation that I wanted to share with you. At first glance, your visuals were so beautiful, I found myself intimidated by your talent and understanding of the principles of design that we have been learning. I found myself questioning my own abilities in this course, and wondering whether I am as successful in my attempts?

    Then...I clicked on your audio and went through your post while listening to your thoughts. I found myself physically relax and begin to enjoy the process as you shared your own willingness to jump in and try something new! I love that you went into it by embracing the step outside your comfort zone, and shared your pride in taking the risk.

    There is a big push in classroom philosophy right now for teachers and students to embrace a growth-mindset in their learning and thinking. We often hear the words perseverance, grit, and risk-taking when we consider quality learning experiences. This post really made me recognize the importance of using multimedia to express and transform the process of learning.

    The use of visual and audio tools in your post really drove home for me the importance of embracing the process of creating. Thank you so much for your honest inspiration. It has shifted my learning in such a positive way!

  2. Hi Paige,

    I am super impressed by your vector-based software shapes you created/designed and glad you loved making them, from what you said in your audio. I too chose that activity and unfortunately found it way more challenging than it appeared. I had NEVER used a vector-based software program before and found what is offered out there is overwhelming. Once I got over that hump of choosing one, learning the software took some time and I feel I could still spend hours on end learning more. I had the most difficult time designing the random freeform shapes. I think because they don’t have to be perfect or identifiable and just “free” was an obstacle for me. Designing these vector-based shapes will definitely be a skill I need to hone in on more and I’m eager to see what I will be able to do with more time using the software...and watching some videos on YouTube, lol. I chose the program YouiDraw (https://www.youidraw.com/) which has full compatibility within the Google environment, which was its major appeal to me. Was great seeing someone else's approach to the activity!


  3. You definitely chose one of the more visually interesting activities to do. In particular I really liked comparing what you did and what Lauren did given the same prompt. She went with more use of negative space on positive space while you seem to have gone with an angle involving use of borders. It's really awesome to see how two people can take the same prompt in such different directions.
