Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Blog Entry #6

For Task #1 this week I drafted a storyboard for my multimedia project having to do with Google Products for Education which is what my MMP project is focused on. I posted the images below of the storyboards I created. I started out with the homepage and then it gives an inner glimpse to each page that is within my website that teachers will be able to navigate to for each individual google education product. Although these are storyboard drafts I have intentions on sticking to these ideas as closely as possible. I would really enjoy insight from others as to what you think the best idea would be for this type of website design. My storyboard and website design will change depending upon the website design program that I decide to use. Wix is a website design that has a website with plenty of navigational buttons and looks similar to most websites. I used this website design platform in the past which inspires me to learn about other programs such as the following alternative website design program, Adobe Spark. This website design program is more sleek and simplified than Wix because it has a continuous scrolling page of features and pages for the entirety of the website. When creating my storyboards I focused on different rules of design that we have learned thus far in this class such as; upper left hand side logo home page button, the positioning of buttons, adding different modalities to the website for functionality. By adding these different web design features it makes the website more appealing to the audience and especially since my targeted viewers are understood to not be well advanced in technology a simplistic and easy navigational website would be beneficial. Overall, I hope you enjoy looking at my storyboards and I hope to gain some insight from you about what I should consider about my website designs going forward.

For Task #2 this week I decided I would create a short video to reflect on my running career. It was amazing when I started to create the video how hard it was to contain it to only :60 seconds. When reading through the tasks for this week I thought this task was going to give me the most trouble but I think overall, it was the easiest task and also the one I enjoyed the most. I think by creating this video and giving it a sense of modality by utilizing the ken burns tool to animate my still pictures real aided to my video slideshow. It is amazing how simply adding a feature or effect to a still picture can make such a major difference to what the viewer perceives. From my MDMC I clarified that I did not want to use Animoto since I did not want the watermark to take over my pictures and take away from the idea I was going with. Therefore, I decided to utilize a different program that I used in the past, iMovie. Overall, I found this program fairly easy to learn, the hardest aspect was learning where the different tools were located and how to navigate the program. However, after understanding the navigational concept it was smooth sailing. I hope you enjoy watching my video and can gain an insight as to why running is such a huge factor in my life and in my overall happiness, enjoy!